ADMB Training Videos On-line

The Quantitative Fisheries Center (QFC) at Michigan State University has released a set of videos aimed at new users of AD Model Builder. The videos were developed with funding from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation under a contract with the ADMB foundation. Each video and associated ADMB template and data files are contained within a folder “Current_ADMB_Video_Release” accessible from the link. The entire set of videos and associated files is also accessible in a single zip file but be advised the zip file size is large. If you are interested in the videos we recommend first reading “ADMB Videos – Important Info and Annotated File List.pdf” available at the same location as the videos.

The QFC url:

provides a research, outreach/service and teaching program aimed at building capacity within fishery management agencies in quantitative methods. Areas of emphasis include Great Lakes fisheries and development of an online instruction program in quantitative fisheries.

Posted on January 9, 2013

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