Dave Fournier received the American Fisheries Society’s Ricker award

Dave Fournier received the American Fisheries Society’s Ricker award. This is a prestigious award and provides Dave recognition not only for the great contribution AD Model Builder has made to fisheries stock assessment, but also Dave’s contribution to fisheries stock assessment methodology, such as being the pioneer of integrated analysis (see Fournier and Archibald 1982).The ADMB Foundation initiated and coordinated the nomination of Dave for this award. Prof. Ray Hilborn, a previous recipient of the award, volunteered to be the nominator. Several of you provided letters of support and we thank you for your efforts. Dave was first nominated in 2008 and was the runner up for the award. This meant that his nomination would be carried over to 2009. Since the 2008 nomination, the Moore Foundation grant was awarded, and provided additional support for Dave’s nomination.

See full description for details.

Posted on October 26, 2009

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