ADMB Developers' Workshop

National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Santa Barbara, California, June 20 - 23, 2011

The first ever ADMB Developers’ Workshop will be June 20 - 23, 2011 at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis in Santa Barbara, California. The goal of the workshop is to encourage potential ADMB code developers to participate in future code development and to help ensure the long-term sustainability of the ADMB software.

Space will be limited to about 25 participants, and travel funding is more severely limited. Interested prospective participants should contact before May 15, 2011.

General workshop outline

Introduction: Working with the ADMB source code

  • Repository access, modification and organization - Johnoel Ancheta
  • ADMB version control system, Subversion - Johnoel Ancheta
  • Repository administration: repository organization, write access vs read access, public and private access, fate of repository - group discussion
  • Organization of the ADMB source code - John Sibert
  • Coping with C++, variable types and overloading - John Sibert
  • Adding functions to ADMB with a worked example - Anders Nielsen
  • Building and testing the binaries
  • User-contributed libraries - Steve Martell

Potential topics for breakout sessions:

  • API documentation with Doxygen
    • Presentation on minimal documentation of files and functions - Sibert
    • Adding the “big picture” to API documentation - Hans Skaug
  • Writing adjoint code and interfacing to ADMB - volunteer (Sibert, Fournier, Seiple?)
  • Modifications to flex scripts - Arni Magnusson,
  • Merge tpl2cpp and tpl2rem - volunteers needed
  • Create PRIORS_SECTION - Mark Maunder
  • Norm who? - intuitive function names, e.g. NOT norm2(…) - Arni Magnusson
  • glimm.ADMB - Ben Bolker
  • Source code organization - Arni Magnusson
  • Parallelization - Derek Seiple

Posted on March 28, 2011

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