Quick Start MacOS

Released December 12, 2016

The installation procedure for installing ADMBTerminal app for the MacOS.


PrerequisiteApple Developer Tools (XCode) must be installed.

  1. Download ADMB installer

    For 64Bit, download admb-11.6pre-ADMBTerminal-macos10-xcode7-64bit.

    For 32Bit, download admb-11.6pre-ADMBTerminal-macos10-xcode7-32bit.

  2. Double click downloaded ADMB dmg file.

  3. In the ADMBTerminal mounted disk image, copy ADMBTerminal into the /Applications folder.

    Note — ADMBTerminal will set ADMB_HOME to /Applications/ADMBTerminal.app/admb/.

Quick Start

Build and run the simple example.

  1. Open ADMBTerminal located in /Applications, then type admb for Usage options.

     [~]$ admb
     Builds AD Model Builder executable or library.
     Usage: admb [-c] [-d] [-g] [-r] [-f] model [src(s)]
      -c     Build only object file(s) (.obj).
      -d     Build a shared library (.so).
      -g     Build with debug symbols.
      -r     Build with Random effects library (ADMB-RE).
      -f     Build with Fast optimized mode library (no bounds checking).
             By default, admb script builds with bounds checking.
      model  TPL file (ie simple.tpl or the filename simple with no .tpl
      src(s) C/C++ Source file(s) containing classes, methods and variables that
             are used in model.
  2. Copy simple example from ADMB_HOME.

     [~]$ cp -R $ADMB_HOME/examples/admb/simple .
  3. Change to the simple example directory .

     [~]$ cd simple
  4. Build the simple example.

     [~/simple/]$ admb simple
     *** Parse tpl: simple.tpl
     tpl2cpp simple
     *** Compile: simple.cpp
     c++ -c -O3 -I. -I"/Applications/ADMBTerminal.app/include" -I"/Applications/ADMBTerminal.app/contrib/include" -osimple.obj simple.cpp
     *** Linking: simple.obj 
     c++ -O3 -osimple simple.obj "/Applications/ADMBTerminal.app/contrib/lib/libadmb-contrib.a"
     Successfully built executable.
  5. Run the simple example.

     [~/simple/]$ ./simple 
     Initial statistics: 2 variables; iteration 0; function evaluation 0; phase 1
     Function value   3.6493579e+01; maximum gradient component mag  -3.6127e+00
     Var   Value    Gradient   |Var   Value    Gradient   |Var   Value    Gradient   
       1  0.00000 -3.61269e+00 |  2  0.00000 -7.27814e-01 |
      - final statistics:
     2 variables; iteration 7; function evaluation 19
     Function value   1.4964e+01; maximum gradient component mag  -7.0014e-05
     Exit code = 1;  converg criter   1.0000e-04
     Var   Value    Gradient   |Var   Value    Gradient   |Var   Value    Gradient   
       1  1.90909 -7.00140e-05 |  2  4.07818 -2.08982e-05 |
     Estimating row 1 out of 2 for hessian
     Estimating row 2 out of 2 for hessian

    Read manuals for more information.

For help and support, contact users@admb-project.org.

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